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The Brothers Sun

I was planning to get around to watching The Brothers Sun, on Netflix, eventually. It wasn’t releasing an episode per week, like Apple or Disney+ is known for. They were all there. The trailer looked intriguing, the same as, say, Beef, but it just wasn’t super high on my list of priorities. Now, just two months after the show came out, I find that the series has been cancelled. From what I read, like comments from fans etc., it doesn’t have an ending either. Fans have complained that they invested 8 hours into this show, and now there will never be more, and the story will never be finished. They ask, why bother watching new shows on Netflix?

I don’t often watch new shows on Netflix. Sure, something like Avatar: The Last Airbender couldn’t be passed up, but most things I can wait, or miss entirely without much concern, I am certain I made the right choice in sticking to older shows, which are done, and which will be full screen, full color, and look great. Too many of these modern shows are super widescreen and so dark you can barely see anything. I am so sick of 2.35:1 “Cinemascope” content for television, that I won’t even watch the trailer for such a show. I don’t have an awesome home theater, and even if I did, I don’t want to watch something with massive black bars on my TV.

Michele Yeoh in The Brothers Sun

I missed a lot of great older shows over the last 16 years, while traveling and being busy. There is plenty of content out there for me to watch. On top of that, I love Korean, Chinese and Japanese dramas. They tend to make shows that are a set number of episodes and they’re done. That is, of course, not counting the shows made by Netflix, which they are already trying to turn into Americanized content. I basically don’t need to jump on every new release that comes out. I can wait to see if a show is going to survive, or go the way of The Brother’s Sun, before I invest my time in it.

I am almost finished with the 1977 series The Incredible Hulk. After that, I will likely return to Netflix to watch The King: Eternal Monarch, a slightly older (I think 2020) Korean drama that I know is full screen and boasts beautiful colors. After that, I might watch the live action Mob Psycho 100.

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  1. Vince Avatar

    Just like you this was on my watch list but there is just too much stuff out there so what is the use of watching a show that does not have an ending. I liked House of Ninjas but as you mentioned about asian shows becoming americanized, this felt like an American show that was just setting up for a second season. While watching HofN it reminded me a little of The Umbrella Acadamy.

    I like to watch foreign shows in the original language so it felt strange watching HofN in japanese then all of these american songs pulled me out of the story.

    1. RealTeruchan Avatar

      Yeah, there’s no question that Netflix was heavily involved in House of Ninjas. I still liked it, but this is a big worry of mine. Netflix is putting $2.5 billion into Korean content this year. The Americanization, especially with newer shows, from 2023 and 2024, is becoming more apparent. I don’t know how much they are spending, but there seems to be more Japanese and Thai shows appearing on the platform every week.

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